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Max. Flow                  6000 l/min

Max. Head                 94.5 m

Max. Power                75 kW

Max. Pressure             6 bar

Max. Suction              8 m

liquid Temp.               0~60 °C

Max. Ambient Temp.   40 °C


• They are recommended for pumping clean water without abrasive particles and liquids that are chemically non-aggressive to the materials from which the pump is made.

• The PST centrifugal pumps are recommended for use in water supply, cleaning sets, pressure boosting, firefighting sets, irrigation, industrial applications, water circulation in climatisation sets, agricultural.

• The installation is to be carried out in closed places or in any case protected from bad weather.


  • Performance Range:
  • • Flow rate up to 6000 l/min (360 m3/h)
  • • Head up to 94.5 m
  • Liquid type: Clean
  • Uses: Domestic
  • Applications:
  • • Domestic water supply
  • • Irrigation & Drainage
  • Typology: Surface
  • Family: Peripheral
  • Application Limits:
  • • Liquid temperature between 0℃ and +120℃
  • • Ambient temperature up to +40℃
  • • Max. working pressure:
    – 16 bar for PST series
  • • Voltage fluctuation: ±10%
  • • Continuous service S1

Performance Data

Model Power Q=Delivery DN
l/min 0 100 150 250 300 400 450 600 700 800 900 1200 1400 1500 1800 2000 2300 3000 3500
kw hp m³/h 0 6 9 15 18 24 27 36 42 48 54 72 84 90 108 120 138 180 210 mm
32-125/07★ 0.75 1 H(m) 17.5 16.7 15 12 9 50×32
32-125/11★ 1.1 1.5 22 21 19.7 16.5 14.5 9 50×32
32-160/15★ 1.5 2 25.4 23.7 22.5 18.5 15.8 50×32
32-160/22★ 2.2 3 31 29.6 28.5 24.5 22 15 50×32
32-160/30★ 3 4 35 34.3 34 28 25.5 19 15 50×32
32-200/30★ 3 4 44 43 39.8 35.2 32.2 24.6 19.8 50×32
32-200/40★ 4 5.5 54.5 52 50 45.5 41.9 35 30.3 50×32
32-250/55 5.5 7.5 60 59.5 59 55 51 34.5 50×32
32-250/75 7.5 10 69.5 69 68.5 66 63 53 50×32
32-250/110 11 15 90 89.5 89 82 79 66 50×32
32-250/55★ 5.5 7.5 79.5 74.7 71.8 63 56 37.5 50×32
32-250/75★ 7.5 10 99 95 91.8 83 76 57.8 50×32
40-125/11 1.1 1.5 14.7 13.5 11.5 10.1 5.8 65×40
40-125/15 1.5 2 18.1 17 15 13.9 9.6 6 65×40
40-125/22 2.2 3 24.5 23.2 21.5 202 16 13 8.3 65×40
40-160/30 3 4 31.8 29.5 27.5 26.3 21.5 17.5 65×40
40-160/40 4 5.5 38 36 34 33 28.5 25 20.1 65×40
40-200/55★ 5.5 7.5 46 43.8 41.3 40.1 35 30 65×40
40-200/75★ 7.5 10 57 53.6 51.5 50 45 41 36.5 65×40
40-250/92 9.2 12.5 64 59 56.5 55 49.5 45 39.8 65×40
40-250/110 11 15 72 67.5 66 63.5 57.5 522 47 65×40
40-250/150 15 20 84.5 80 77.3 752 71 65 61 65×40
50-125/22 2.2 3 17 15.4 14 12.8 11.5 6.5 65×50
50-125/30 3 4 20 18.8 18 17 15.6 11 65×50
50-125/40 4 5.5 24 23.1 23 21.5 20.3 15.8 11.8 65×50
50-160/55 5.5 7.5 32 30.6 30 28 26.6 20.5 14.8 65×50
50-160/75 7.5 10 40 38 37 36 34.4 29 24 21 65×50
50-200/92 9.2 12.5 50.5 46.8 45 43 40.9 32.5 25.7 65×50
50-200/110 11 15 57.5 53.5 52 50 47.5 40 33 29 65×50
50-250/150 15 20 68.5 64 63 61.5 59 50 41 65×50
50-250/185 18.5 25 79 75.8 74.8 74 71.5 63.5 55.5 47 65×50
50-250/220 22 30 89.5 86 85.3 84 81.5 73.5 65.5 57 65×50
65-125/40 4 5.5 19 17.3 16.8 14.5 13 11.8 80×65
65-125/55 5.5 7.5 23 21.3 20.9 19 17.5 16.7 13.7 80×65
65-125/75 7.5 10 27 26 25.6 24.5 23 22.5 20 18 80×65
65-160/92 9.2 12.5 33 31.5 30 28 27.1 24 21.5 80×65
65-160/110 11 15 36 34.5 33 31.5 30.8 28 25.5 80×65
65-160/150 15 20 42 41 40 38.5 37.8 35 33 29.5 80×65
65-200/150 15 20 45 45.5 43 41 40.2 36.5 34 80×65
65-200/185 18.5 25 52 52.3 51 49 48.2 44.5 42 80×65
65-200/220 22 30 59 59.5 58 56 55 52 49.5 44.5 80×65
65-250/220 22 30 64.8 64.7 62 60 58.5 53 50 80×65
65-250/300 30 40 80 79.8 77.5 75.5 74.5 70 66 58 80×65
65-250/370 37 50 92 90.5 88.5 87 85 80.5 78 68 80×65
80-125/40 4 5.5 17 16.5 15.9 14.3 13.5 11.6 10 7.5 100×80
80-125/55 5.5 7.5 21 20.5 20 19 18 16.5 15 12.5 9.5 100×80
80-125/75 7.5 10 26 25 25 24.5 23.8 22.5 21.5 19.5 16.5 100×80
80-160/110 11 15 27 27.3 26 24.5 22.5 16 100×80
80-160/150 15 20 32.8 32.5 31.3 302 28.5 22.1 16.7 100×80
80-160/185 18.5 25 39 38 36.8 36.7 33.8 28.8 23.5 100×80
80-200/220 22 30 48 47.5 45.5 43.5 41 32.5 24.5 100×80
80-200/300 30 40 60 59.5 58 57 54.5 47 40.5 100×80
80-250/370 37 50 71.5 70.5 67.5 65.5 61.5 49.5 38.5 100×80
80-250/450 45 60 88 86 85 83.6 80.6 70.5 51 100×80
80-250/550 55 75 94.5 94.5 932 91.8 88.5 79.5 68.3 100×80
★=Stainless steel impeller


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