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Max. Flow                     13 m3/h

Max. Head                    220 m

Max. Power                   7.5 kW

liquid Temp.                  0~105 °C

Max. Ambient Temp.      40 °C


• Water treatment (water purification)
• Industry cleaning, dish-washing machine
• Air-conditioning system, cooling system
• Agriculture
• Domestic water supply
• General industrial services


  • Performance Range:
  • • Flow rate up to 4000 l/min (240 m3/h)
  • • Head up to 305 m
  • Liquid type: Clean
  • Uses: Domestic
  • Applications:
  • • Domestic water supply
  • • Irrigation & Drainage
  • Typology: Surface
  • Family: Peripheral
  • Application Limits:
  • • Liquid temperature between -15℃ and +105℃
  • • Ambient temperature up to +40℃
  • • Max. working pressure:
    – 10 bar for CDL(F) series
  • • Voltage fluctuation: ±10%
  • • Continuous service S1

Performance Data

Model Power(kW) Q (m3/h) 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
CDL10-1 0.75 H (m) 9.7 9.3 8.9 8.3 7.7 7 6 5 4
CDL10.2 0.75 19.5 19 18 17 16 15 13.5 11.5 10
CDL10-3 1.1 29.5 29 28 27 25 23 21 18 16
CDL10-4 1.5 39.5 38.5 37.5 36 34 31 28 25 22
CDL10-5 2.2 49.5 48.5 47 44 42 39 35 32 28
CDL10-6 2.2 60 58 56 54 51 48 43 39 34
CDL10-7 3 70 68 66 63 60 56 51 45 39
CDL10-8 3 80 78 75 73 69 64 58 52 44
CDL10-9 3 90 87 85 81 77 72 66 58 50
CDL10-10 4 100 97 95 90 85 80 74 66 56
CDL10-12 4 120 117 114 109 104 96 89 79 68
CDL10-14 5.5 140 137 134 129 122 113 103 92 79
CDL10-16 5.5 160 158 153 148 140 129 119 106 91
CDL10-18 7.5 180 177 172 166 156 145 133 119 102
CDL10-20 7.5 200 196 191 184 173 162 147 132 114
CDL10-22 7.5 220 216 210 202 190 178 162 145 126
Model Power(P2) Max. Flow Flow Range Max.Head Head Range DN
kW HP m³/h m³/h m m mm
CDL(F)1 0.37~2.2 0.5~3 2 0.4~2 214 9~214 25
CDL(F)2 0.37~3 0.5~4 3.5 1~3.5 232 8~232 25
CDL(F)3 0.37~3 0.5~4 4 1.2~4 218 6~218 25
CDL(F)4 0.37~4 0.5~5.5 7 1.5~7 211 8~211 32
CDL(F)8 0.75~7.5 1~10 12 5~12 208 6~208 40
CDL(F)10 0.75~7.5 1~10 13 5~13 220 4~220 40
CDL(F)12 1.5~11 2~15 16 7~16 217 14~217 50
CDL(F)15 1.1~15 1.5~20 22 8~22 227 6.5~227 50
CDL(F)20 1.1~18.5 1.5~25 28 10~28 234 6~234 50
CDL(F)32 1.5~30 2~40 40 16~40 292 4~292 65
CDL(F)45 3~45 4~60 55 25~55 305 11~305 80
CDL(F)65 4~45 5.5~60 80 30~80 215 8~215 100
CDL(F)85 5.5~45 7.5~60 110 50~110 168 6~168 100
CDL(F)120 11~75 15~100 150 60~150 162.5 15~162.5 125
CDL(F)150 11~75 15~100 180 80~180 157 8.5~157 125
CDL(F)200 18.5~110 25~150 240 100~240 157.5 15.5~157.5 150


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